Read the latest news from Mindful Touch!
A Massage Therapist's Tips for a Better Night's Sleep
A good night’s sleep is essential to good health. Sleep not only helps you to feel more rested and alert during the day…
Read MoreMay is Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to shed light on the reality of living with mental illness, to fight the s…
Read MoreTreat Mom to One of Our Luxurious New Services!
Mother's Day Massage Gift Certificates
Read MoreCOVID-19 Update - Review Policies & Procedures
Greetings, friends and clients!First things first!!! I, the Mindful Touch Team, appreciate you all so very much! The pa…
Read MoreCOVID SAFETY l Gift Certificate Expiration Dates
As you are considering gifts for your loved ones this Holiday Season, I hope that you will consider sharing the gift of…
Read MoreGrateful For You! Purchase Gift Certificates
Sending grateful vibes your way...from all of us at Mindful Touch. We are so thankful to have clients like you - not ju…
Read MoreHow Massage Changed My Life
Nikki Terry, LMBT It’s been a while since I introduced myself! My name is Nikki, and I am Licensed Massage Therapist an…
Read MoreMassage Therapy Soothes Anxiety Symptoms
Anxiety disorders are at an all-time high in our society. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), anxiety affects 18.1% of the population. Anxiety, and the fight or flight, biological response it produces, is a natural, normal, response to perceived danger.
Read MoreOnline Scheduling Now Available/Masks Still Required
At this time we are still required by the NCDHHS to make sure that all parties are wearing a mask during massage session. We are bound under our licensure to follow the laws of our local governing bodies. It would be unethical and illegal for us to operate and not follow these guidelines.
Read MoreCOVID Update: Reopening September 1st Limited Capacity
Mindful Touch will reopen at a limited capacity on 9/1/20. At this time, we will only be offering massage services that are 60 minutes or less. We will not be offering spa enhancements and treatments until further notice.
Read MoreOur New Normal: When will Mindful Touch Re-open?
The Governor has signed an executive order that allows massage therapy businesses to re-open this Friday at 5pm. Contrary to what seems to be popular belief, this is no easy task, and involves a certain amount of preparation, money, and many ethical considerations.
Read MoreCOVID-19 Update & Mother's Day Gift Certificates
Mindful Touch is a small, locally owned business offering Morganton high quality, massage, bodywork, and spa services. We believe our mission of improving the overall health and wellness in our community is a valuable one, and our services will be needed more than ever once a reopen of our economy happens.
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