Online Scheduling Now Available/Masks Still Required

Happy September, beautiful humans! I have finally worked my way through most of our schedule from April and May. I have sent initial contacts to everyone that was on the schedule. If I missed you somehow, please contact me at 828-201-9794. Online booking is now available for some of our therapists. I ventured out for my first massage since March yesterday. I had been hesitant due to the current mask requirement from the Health Department. Part of me was afraid I would suffocate on the massage table with a mask on. Another part of me knew I was adaptable and would get used to it and still enjoy the benefits of massage. I am happy to report it was very healing and my body is thanking me immensely today. I completely understand the hesitancy some of you feel about wearing the mask during the massage, and just know Mindful Touch's healing services will be here for you whenever you are ready. At this time we are still required by the NCDHHS to make sure that all parties are wearing a mask during massage session.We are bound under our licensure to follow the laws of our local governing bodies. It would be unethical and illegal for us to operate and not follow these guidelines. In addition to the guidelines, we feel it is important to take appropriate measures to ensure the health and safety of our clients and therapists. The most recent science indicates that COVID-19 is prominently spread by aerosols and respiratory droplets. Nothing will protect everyone 100% from transmission, but wearing a mask is one way to help reduce the aerosols and respiratory droplets between people. Here is a link to the executive order that allows massage therapy businesses to be open at this time We are only able to be open while following the additional requirements from the Health Department. Some of this guidance is optional, and some is required. As always, I, and the MT team, deeply appreciate your patience and loyalty as we navigate and adapt to this new and strange time. In Peace and Health, Nikki Terry, LMBT
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Whether you’re seeking relief from dry skin, a boost in energy, or a moment of calm in a hectic holiday season, Mindful Touch’s total-body renewal services are here to support your winter wellness journey.
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You can get relief and not endure injury to your body. Imagine enjoying your massage, with all the wonderful sensations, AND getting the pain relief you long for.
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Mindful Touch is a small, locally owned business offering Morganton high quality, massage, bodywork, and spa services. We believe our mission of improving the overall health and wellness in our community is a valuable one, and our services will be needed more than ever once a reopen of our economy happens.
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