Dec. 11, 2020

COVID SAFETY l Gift Certificate Expiration Dates


As you are considering gifts for your loved ones this Holiday Season, I hope that you will consider sharing the gift of a high quality, personalized massage or spa treatment from Mindful Touch. When you choose to purchase this gift, you also will be supporting a locally owned small business! It truly is a win-win. Gift Certificates can be conveniently purchased via the link below.

All gift certificates purchased last year, with expiration dates for this year, will not expire. Also, any gift certificates purchased this year will not have expiration dates. COVID-19 has imposed a great degree of uncertainty into our lives, and Mindful Touch is committed to staying flexible as we all work together to get through this trying time.

Rest assured, we are taking every precaution to keep you and your loved ones safe. Some of the safety protocols in place at this time include:

  • Each person has their temperature taken and a health screening is performed verbally before they enter the building.
  • Client and therapist must wear a mask for the duration of the interaction as required by Health Department at this time.
  • Our therapists are cleaning and disinfecting all high touch surfaces between every client.
  • A medical grade air purifier with a Medical Grade Ultra-Duo h13 True Hepa Filter is being used in the treatment room.

Your continued trust in Mindful Touch as your preferred massage and spa treatment provider is the best compliment we could ever receive! It truly is an honor to provide you with the wellness benefits that our exceptional massage services provide.

If you have any questions about our safety protocols, please feel free to contact me at 828-201-9794.

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