Dec. 6, 2019

Choose Wellness, not Overwhelm-ness this Holiday Season


The Holidays came fast this year!! It was like … Thanksgiving… and then... BAM! Holiday hustle and bustle came into full swing. I suppose it has to do with Thanksgiving being so late in November this year. Personally, I am having trouble finding a rhythm. I have a strong preference for enjoying ALL of fall and being in tune with the changes of nature. I like taking things as they come and trying not to plan too much because it can be anxiety-provoking to feel over-planned. However… the rest of the world is marching forward with shopping, parties, and gift exchanges… and at times, I feel left behind on all of it. As much as I try to pace myself, the anxious feeling of needing to “catch up” keeps creeping up in my mind. There is so much fun and excitement at this time of year, and it feels wonderful to enjoy it. But, one may also find themselves overwhelmed with all the social obligations, extra running around, and financial pressures. It can be so easy to get caught up in it all, and then one day realize your mental health has been severely compromised. Believe me, I have been there my friends. Don't judge me too harshly, please. The great thing about mistakes is that we get to learn from them, and I have learned a few things. So trust me when I say "DO NOT compromise your self-care routines". We can choose wellness. We just have to create routines and implement a self-care strategy that works for us.


Now, you may wonder what I mean by self-care...and may even write me off as trying to sell you more commercial/consumer self-care. But hear me out…I encourage my clients to practice self-care in a way that prioritizes their health needs (this includes mental health!!!). Our bodies need good nutrition, exercise, rest, and relaxation to thrive. When you incorporate all of these pillars of health into your daily life, the

best of you will flow out into the world to your loved ones and others. In our modern world, caring for our body’s basic needs has had to become a radical, revolutionary act. Its an unfortunate truth that our culture tends to prioritize busy-ness and profit over what it truly means to thrive as a human being. Many of us are just caught up in a way of surviving that has been constructed long before our time. It can be a challenge to stay committed to caring for ourselves, but I encourage you to stay the course. Envision the life you want and say no to everything that is not that. Prioritize your values. Maybe someday, we can create a world that prioritizes human well-being over GDP! I believe well-being should be the most important measure of success.

My wish for you, my dear clients, this Holiday Season is that you seek to create a life that allows for your peace of mind, and your highest health potential. Don’t let a system with messed up priorities push you around. When you hear your body calling for rest...or better nutrition… STOP and listen. Let those messages from your body compel you to take appropriate action. I encourage you to re-prioritize and

re-organize how you are spending your time and money. Think about ways you can structure your life so that your well-being is honored and you are able to thrive in this life. Imagine a world where peace of mind and well-being are considered measures of success and then... BE THE CHANGE.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world” Mhatma Ghandi


Be well, friends ... and whatever Holiday you and yours celebrate during this time of year, may it be beautiful and peaceful.

With Love,

Nikki Terry, LMBT

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